3 Proven Methods to Keep Bugs Out of Your House

Everyone has had to deal with the occasional bug entering their home unwelcomed. This is usually just seen as a minor inconvenience; however, if it is happening more often than you would like then there is probably a problem you need to address. Similar to how lice do not like clean scalps, bugs do not like clean houses. A clean house does not provide food for bugs nor does it offer them many places to discreetly hide. This is why a clean home is just one of the many methods proven to keep bugs out of the house. While you may still see a bug now and again, it will certainly not be a common occurrence. Here at Quality Pest Control, we know all of the tips and tricks to keep your home a bug free one. Although, if the situation has gotten out of control, we are always a phone call away. For all of your bug needs, we are here to assist you any way we can.
How Can You Keep Bugs Out of the House?
The simple answer is to not allow bugs to come in and ft home. Bugs are naturally outdoor creatures and should not come into your home and feel like your home can be compared to the outdoors. With this in mind here are 5 methods we recommend for preventing bugs from feeling at home in your home.
Method 1: Keep Your Home Clean
The easiest method of keeping bugs out of your home is to make sure your house is always clean. This means that you are going to need to do a deep clean now and again and maintain a certain standard of cleanliness daily. Even allowing a mess to sit throughout the night can attract bugs to your home. If you are someone who likes to go down in the middle of the night and grab a snack then be sure to clean up after yourself. No matter when and where a mess happens you need to clean it up right away.
Method 2: Stay on Top of the Kitchen & Other Dining Areas
The kitchen is the area that is most likely to attract any bugs. This is because bugs are commonly after food and shelter, both things a kitchen can give them. The best way to keep them out is by putting all opened food into containers, wiping down countertops regularly, doing all dishes in a timely fashion, and sweeping the floor. Bugs will go after every little crumb you leave behind; they are not picky when it comes to food making it even more important to stay on top of the kitchen.
Method 3: Address the Problem Immediately
One of the more common kinds of pest people see is ants. Ants tend to flock to even the smallest of crumbs left behind. And as soon as they flock they are there to stay. The only way to get ahead of the problem is to address it as soon as you notice it. As soon as you see the first ant, you need to assume there are hundreds of others that are in hiding, waiting to come out and explore your home. We recommend putting up ant traps in the areas you commonly see them so that you can stop the problem before our team at Quality Pest Control need to step in. For every other type of pest, there are different kinds of sprays you can use to stop them in their tracks. By doing this you are controlling a small nuisance and preventing it from being a huge problem. We know it sounds crazy to take a lot of precaution because of one bug but bugs multiply at a quick rate and will become comfortable with your home even quicker.
To learn more about what you can do to prevent pests our team at Quality Pest Control are here to help you. We have all of the answers to your pest questions. If you have been attempting the above methods and have not noticed any improvement in your situation we are more than happy to come on out and evaluate your home for any infestations. Give us a call today at (239) 540-2359 to set up your evaluation.