How Can a Pest Control Company Control Rodents?

When you see a small ant or spider in your home it can set your nerves on end, but when you see a mouse or rat, it can literally send you into full -blown panic mode! If you’ve developed a rodent problem inside your home, you’re not alone. Hundreds of South Floridians experience the same issues every day due in part to our consistently damp and humid weather. Another way rodents enter your home is when you leave clutter and food around. Rodents enjoy making nests and homes in discarded papers and boxes. So, don’t let clutter rule your home, or you may be unknowingly inviting unwanted guests inside. Take your garbage out regularly and make sure crumbs don’t accumulate in any of your living spaces. A pest control specialist can address rodent issues through baiting, spraying and other more serious approaches to infestations. A call to a pest control company like Quality Pest Control can help immediately to identify the best treatment for your rodent or pest problem.
How Can Quality Insulation Help with My Rodent and Pest Problem?
There is another more effective way to combat these large pests. At Quality Pest Control we provide the highest quality insulation in your attic, cabinets, and baseboards and even in the surrounding perimeter of the home to kill off all kinds of pests. We recommend using a proven pest insulation treatment called “thermoacoustical” insulation. It works to kill rodents and pests when something called borate material combines with small paper-like fibers. This creates a strong pesticide bond filling the gaps in the small spaces in your cabinets and attic, etc. The treatment will thoroughly seal off any interior access points creating a soundproof layer as well. It is impossible for any pests to crawl through the insulation material without coming into contact with the poisonous borate substance. Once the rodent or pest makes contact with the borate, we guarantee it will meet its fate.
Who Can Provide Quality Pest Insulation in My Home?
Quality Insulation is one of the most sought-after services for home, commercial and industrial property owners. At Quality Pest Control, we have a proven track record of excellence that speaks for itself. Our experienced and knowledgeable crew has the training, knowledge and the resources to deliver quality results. We can provide the insulation you’ll need to keep your home free from pests and rodents. Contact the experts at Quality Pest Control today at (954) 842-9411 to learn more about how Thermoacoustical pest control insulation can help your home become pest and rodent free! After you schedule an appointment, we will visit your home and perform any treatments needed inside and outside the property. We look forward to hearing how we can help!
Tags: pest insulation, Quality Pest Control, Quality Rodent Control, south florida pest control