The 3 Most Common Kinds of Ants Pest Control Can Help With

We all know what ants look like, tiny and black, brown, or red with little legs. As far as naming which ant is what type of species, well, that’s a mystery to most of us. Due to ant’s small size, it can be hard to figure out which kind of ant has been the one invading your home. While you probably want the ants gone regardless of species, knowing which ants you have can help get rid of them more effectively. For starters, in Florida there are going to be different species that stand out are more commonly see than when you go to other states and countries. Even just having the base knowledge on a few of the common Florida ants will prove to be more of a benefit than you know. You may not know where to start in your ant education; however, you don’t need to worry about that.
Our team at Quality Pest Control has come up with our own little cheat sheet.
Carpenter Ant
This kind of ant bears a resemblance to termites due to their tendency to be drawn to wood. Instead of feasting on the wood, they instead choose to make it their homes. While they may not consume the wood they still cause a lot of structural damage to the home by simply living in it. If your home has wood inside of it or is made out of wood, beware of these kinds of ants. If you don’t have much wood then you may want to check the moisture of your home. These pests also like moist and humid environments. This means you can also find them hiding out in the bathtub, the sink, and around roof leaks. If you are unsure if this is the type of ant in your home, take a look at where they are nesting or tend to be found. You can also identify them by their large, for an ant, and black appearance.
White Footed Ant
The white-footed ant has quickly become a common pest in the State of Florida. With their colonies being able to grow as large as 3 million ants it’s no wonder they seem to be everywhere. Homeowners usually report seeing this kind of ant in their kitchen, bathroom, and around the exterior of their homes. Because these ants like sweeter foods and plants to feast on, they will go after this kind of food either in your kitchen or in your yard. Still not sure if these pests are the ones causing you issues? You can identify them by their brownish and blackish exterior along with their whiteish and yellowish legs. There’s no doubt you will be able to tell these pests apart from the other species of ants.
Fire Ant
The majority of people are familiar with the fire ant. They are red and fierce when they attack. These ants will quickly leave you with multiple bites if you get in their way. While the bites are not too painful, they will leave you with itchy blisters. The best way to approach these ants is not to. Leave it to the professionals. People usually find these pests in their homes during periods of drought, intense cycles of rain, and on extremely hot days. It’s no wonder Floridians see these pests quite often. Especially during the summer months where Florida is known to have tons of rain and intense heat. Keeping your home as clean as possible will assist with keeping these bugs out; however, if you still notice them, call our team to help exterminate them for good.
Contact Us Today
It’s true what they say, Florida is home to all kinds of insects and animals. While this is just a part of living here, there are ways to keep these pests out of your home. If you do happen to have a difficult time keeping them out, our team of professionals can help you. Here at Quality Pest Control, we know how to get the pests out and keep them out. To learn more about our extermination services, contact us today!