Your Guide to Keeping Pests Out of Your South Florida Home

Living in Florida is a dream come from for many. The weather is beautiful year-round, there are tons of beaches to choose from, and the scenery is gorgeous. One thing that is never talked about when people mention that they may be moving to Florida is that we have all kinds of crazy bugs. Even worse, bugs like humans love the warm and humid atmosphere making us sometimes have to compete with one another. If you live in Florida chances are you have seen the occasional pest come into your home and got rid of it without a second thought. This is all fine and dandy; however, what do you do when you start to see multiple bugs coming in? At this point, you are no longer brushing it off and are probably stressing out about the problem. The only way to prevent yourself from being in this situation where you have to consider extermination is to do pest preventative measures. By following this guide you will know all of the simple tasks you can do to prevent pests from coming into your home and more importantly, prevent an infestation from occurring. Although, if you are dealing with an infestation, our team at Quality Pest Control is more than happy to come out and assist you with that problem.
3 Tasks You Can Do to Keep Pests Away:
Keep Your Home As Organized and As Clean As Possible
This step towards a pest-free home is a great one because an organized and clean home can benefit you in more ways than one. Not only have organized and clean homes been shown to correlate to general feelings of happiness and motivation, but they also keep pests away. Pests love homes that are messy and dirty; this is because these homes will feed them, leftover crumbs on the counter, and will shelter them, tons of places to hide due to general messiness. If pests cannot sense any food leftover for them they are not likely to be attracted to your house as it is not a place that they think will keep them alive. Some things you can do to ensure pests don’t make your home their home are cleaning the dishes every night before bed, taking out the trash frequently, wiping down countertops, and keeping clothes and items off the floor and in storage bins.
Seal All Gaps
Make sure that all roof, garage, attic, door, and window gaps are sealed off from the outside world. Pests are quite small in size and do not have the kind of bulky or large build we have, which is kind of their superpower. Their flexible and bendy bodies allow them to sneak into our homes right in front of our eyes. Even the smallest of gaps is suitable to pests, for them if there’s a will, there’s a way. Make sure all of the gaps you notice regardless of size are completely sealed off.
Trim All Plants, Trees, and Shrubs
This task requires much more labor than the others; however, if you keep the plants and shrubs trimmed consistently, the task will be easier to do each time as opposed to if you trim these plants once a year. Plants that get way too large and unmaintained can become a huge breeding ground for all kinds of pests, and if these plants are close to your house that means your house is about to become a breeding ground as well. It is very easy for pests such as ants to crawl right into your home from the great outdoors, making it so important to maintain the outside of your house just as much as you maintain the inside.
When it comes to pests it’s all about making your home seem as unappealing as possible. Pests will not want to come into a home that is kept clean, tidy, and organized. The thought of this kind of home leaves a bad taste in their mouth, making them sure to skip your home to check out your neighbors. By following this guide you are sure to avoid an infestation, even throughout the hot, humid Florida summer. However, if you do need an exterminator to come out and check out your home our team at Quality Pest Control will be more than happy to assist you. To learn more about our services give us a call today at (954)329-0264.