3 Signs You Have Bed Bugs

It’s fair to say that all bugs are pretty horrible to deal with; however, bed bugs take the cake. These little critters are very sneaky and can be hard to get rid of at times. They tend to hide in the most inconspicuous of places making them able to multiply at alarming rates, and since these creatures are nocturnal you probably won’t even know they exist for some time. Similar to other pest infestations, you will not always know that you have a bed bug infestation until the infestation is considerably large. The trick to dealing with them efficiently is to know all of the signs that they have entered your home so that you can stop the infestation before it becomes too large of an issue. This is where Quality Pest Control comes in. We know all of the signs to keep an eye out for so that you can hopefully stop the infestation from growing larger, although, no matter how big or small of an infestation you are going to need professional help to get rid of these pests for good.
How to Tell When There’s a Bed Bug Infestation
Some of the signs of a bed bug infestation may seem obvious at first; however, some of the signs can be interchangeable with other types of pest and rodent infestations. Due to this, it is important to know as many signs as possible to rule out other kinds of pests. Whether you have bed bugs or not, Quality Pest Control can get rid of any pest problem you have.
. Blood Stains
Since bed bugs need blood to survive, they will usually come out of their hiding place once or twice a week to feed. Although they can live up to a year without a host, they are selfish and prefer to get more blood throughout the week. After a bed bug is done feeding, they will crawl back into their hiding place leaving behind a trail of bloodstains. These stains are usually found closer to the edge of the bed as most bed bugs like to hide in the headboard or box spring of the bed.
. Itchy Bites
This sign of bed bugs is a tricky one as many other pests can cause itchy skin. Compared to the other kinds of pests that like to bite, bed bugs have a unique way of getting blood from humans that can help you pick their bites apart from others. A bed bug bite will leave redness in the area and will be in a diagonal zig-zag line on the skin. These bites are smaller in the size and tend to lay flat on the skin similar to how a scratch would. Bed bugs typically bite the same area and will do so in a line format, opposite of how fleas or ants would bite. They also tend to go for areas of the skin that are out in the open as opposed to areas that are underneath your blankets and comforters.
. There’s an Odor
Like most pests and pest infestations, after the problem gets rather large and odor will begin to constantly linger in the air. Every infestation has its unique odor and this rings especially true for bed bug infestations. These bugs emit an odor that has commonly be compared to a wet towel and a dirty locker in a locker room. If you are starting to notice this scent particularly in your bedroom then chances are that you have a sizeable bed bug infestation. It’s important to keep this scent in mind as soon as you are suspicious since the scent will only get stronger as the infestation gets bigger.
For all of your bed bug issues, Quality Pest Control is here to help. Our team of experts has handled plenty of bed bug cases successfully and will be able to handle yours as well. We know all of bed bugs tricks and how to get to all of their hiding places. After we are done with our extermination process you can be sure to get a good night’s sleep free of the stress from the horrible pests. If any of the above signs are present in your home, then it may be time to give one of our team members a call. When it comes to pests it’s always better to call and be safe than sorry. Reach out to us today at (954) 329-0264 to hear more about our bed bug services.
Your Guide to Keeping Pests Out of Your South Florida Home

Living in Florida is a dream come from for many. The weather is beautiful year-round, there are tons of beaches to choose from, and the scenery is gorgeous. One thing that is never talked about when people mention that they may be moving to Florida is that we have all kinds of crazy bugs. Even worse, bugs like humans love the warm and humid atmosphere making us sometimes have to compete with one another. If you live in Florida chances are you have seen the occasional pest come into your home and got rid of it without a second thought. This is all fine and dandy; however, what do you do when you start to see multiple bugs coming in? At this point, you are no longer brushing it off and are probably stressing out about the problem. The only way to prevent yourself from being in this situation where you have to consider extermination is to do pest preventative measures. By following this guide you will know all of the simple tasks you can do to prevent pests from coming into your home and more importantly, prevent an infestation from occurring. Although, if you are dealing with an infestation, our team at Quality Pest Control is more than happy to come out and assist you with that problem.
3 Tasks You Can Do to Keep Pests Away:
Keep Your Home As Organized and As Clean As Possible
This step towards a pest-free home is a great one because an organized and clean home can benefit you in more ways than one. Not only have organized and clean homes been shown to correlate to general feelings of happiness and motivation, but they also keep pests away. Pests love homes that are messy and dirty; this is because these homes will feed them, leftover crumbs on the counter, and will shelter them, tons of places to hide due to general messiness. If pests cannot sense any food leftover for them they are not likely to be attracted to your house as it is not a place that they think will keep them alive. Some things you can do to ensure pests don’t make your home their home are cleaning the dishes every night before bed, taking out the trash frequently, wiping down countertops, and keeping clothes and items off the floor and in storage bins.
Seal All Gaps
Make sure that all roof, garage, attic, door, and window gaps are sealed off from the outside world. Pests are quite small in size and do not have the kind of bulky or large build we have, which is kind of their superpower. Their flexible and bendy bodies allow them to sneak into our homes right in front of our eyes. Even the smallest of gaps is suitable to pests, for them if there’s a will, there’s a way. Make sure all of the gaps you notice regardless of size are completely sealed off.
Trim All Plants, Trees, and Shrubs
This task requires much more labor than the others; however, if you keep the plants and shrubs trimmed consistently, the task will be easier to do each time as opposed to if you trim these plants once a year. Plants that get way too large and unmaintained can become a huge breeding ground for all kinds of pests, and if these plants are close to your house that means your house is about to become a breeding ground as well. It is very easy for pests such as ants to crawl right into your home from the great outdoors, making it so important to maintain the outside of your house just as much as you maintain the inside.
When it comes to pests it’s all about making your home seem as unappealing as possible. Pests will not want to come into a home that is kept clean, tidy, and organized. The thought of this kind of home leaves a bad taste in their mouth, making them sure to skip your home to check out your neighbors. By following this guide you are sure to avoid an infestation, even throughout the hot, humid Florida summer. However, if you do need an exterminator to come out and check out your home our team at Quality Pest Control will be more than happy to assist you. To learn more about our services give us a call today at (954)329-0264.
Are You a New Homeowner in Davie, FL? Here’s Why You Need Pest Control Before You Move In!

If you’re a new homeowner in Davie, it is important to get your house inspected for pests and insects. South Florida’s environment breeds pests that you do not want in your home. Instead of waiting for an infestation, be proactive and start with a pest control company in Davie today! At Quality Pest Control, we make it our goal to satisfy our clients 100% with our pest management systems in Davie. If you want to keep the pests away, we’ll take the correct measures in protecting your home from any unwanted pests.
The list for pests goes on and on, but there are different pest management systems for each one. No two pests are alike and we understand the differences in controlling and managing them in Davie. If you want to begin with a great pest control company for your home in Davie, our services span far and wide, so we can ensure your home will be pest-free. Not to mention, we only utilize the latest and safest pest management techniques in Davie.
With our green solutions, we protect your home from any pest invasions. We understand that chemicals are not always the answer. While they may prevent pests, chemicals are dangerous to other factors surrounding your home and the environment. With termite control, rodent control, lawn spraying, and more, we make it our duty to protect your home and serve your home. We also offer fumigation to get rid of pests regardless of their stages in life. Of course, pest management is easier to handle before there is a full-blown infestation, but we are prepared to assist at any stage.
Pests can enter your home through unknown cracks and holes, hide in carpet, and in some cases, survive through certain methods of pest control. If you are not taking the right precautions in pest management on your own, the professionals at Quality Pest Control are here to steer you in the right direction. We have been in the pest management business in Davie for over thirty years and we know how to get rid of pests without harming the surroundings of your home.
Give us a call today to learn more about our pest management systems for your home in Davie. Our team of professionals will make sure your home stays pest and insect-free! Don’t hesitate to hire a pest control company for your new home, it’s always better to prevent pests from entering your home rather than having to eliminate them once they’ve already come in!
Count on Quality Pest Control For Your Pest Control Services in Davie
South Florida provides us with wonderful weather all year. It’s not only a great place for us to live, but also a place that many termites and pests choose to live as well. Termites, rats, mice, and other pests can lurk in your yard or near your home, waiting for the right time to infest your home. It can be difficult to detect if termites have entered your home, as they tend to start eating wood from the inside out. If you suspect a termite or pest problem in Davie, you need a reliable pest control team you can trust. Our team at Quality Pest Control is here to help you with any termite or pest problems you’re dealing with. Working with a team of professionals is the best way to ensure you get rid of the problem and keep the pests and termites in your Davie home at bay.
There are many different approaches to getting rid of and keeping termites out of your home. Our team at Quality Pest Control takes a proactive approach to termite control. We know that if you utilize effective methods to keep termites out, it can save you thousands of dollars. Some of the various pest control services our team offers include:
- Fumigation
- Termite Control
- Pest Control
- Lawn Spraying
- Soil Treatments
Our team at Quality Pest Control focuses on providing environmentally friendly termite and pest control techniques. We have many different green solutions and we try to use minimal amounts of chemicals when it comes to termite and pest extermination. Termites and many other pests have the ability to get into your home through the smallest cracks and crevices, so it’s important to make sure your home is protected.
Your home is a large investment and no one likes dealing with nasty pests, rodents, or termites. If you’re looking for the best pest control services in the Davie area it’s time to contact our team at Quality Pest Control. We can help inform you about proactive measures you can take to keep both pests and termites out of your home. There is no better way to eliminate the potential of pests and termites than by working with a team of professionals who can provide you with the best pest control services in Davie.
Signs to Identify Quality Pest Management in Davie, FL

We’ve all heard horror stories of people who hired a pest management company, only to have been let down by the services they were given. Unfortunately, this is not uncommon. Pest control is complicated, as there are many factors at play. However, there are a few signs that homeowners and businesses can be on the lookout for when hiring new pest management in Davie and beyond. In this article, the experts at Quality Pest Control will highlight the top ways to identify trustworthy service-providers.
1. Check the Reviews and Trust Word of Mouth for Quality Pest Management in Davie
There are two things that will tell you whether or not the pest company you’re interested in is trustworthy. The first will be direct recommendations from family and friends, and the second will be from real-life customer reviews. Reviews can be found online, simply by typing in the name of the company. Google, or services like Angie’s List, should provide star ratings, allowing you to see just how efficient these companies are.
2. Arrival Time
Rodent and pest issues are nothing to take lightly. They can affect a person’s health and the overall safety of a family. This is why pest control companies must have quick arrival times. Professionals will give you their availability, and they should be there within the week.
3. Continuous Care
A pest control company that is trustworthy will offer more than one service. They won’t simply arrive one day and promise to fix the issue once and for all within one session. What excellent quality pest control companies know is that removing pests for good takes time and dedication. There will need to be monthly sprays, annual inspections, and more to ensure that the plan is working in full effect.
4. Reliable Services
Another issue many people have with pest control companies is their lack of reliability. One second, they’ll be present. Yet, as soon as an issue arises, they are difficult to contact. This happens often for those who have a rodent that has died in the walls or the attic. The smell can frustrate homeowners, and it can annoy them, even more, when they find that the professionals they hired are nowhere to be found. Within the reviews, search for users who had a pleasant experience with timing and reliability.
5. Quality Customer Care
Last, but not least, a professional pest control company should be kind and caring towards their clients. There is an easy way to tell. Simply call the pest control company of your choice, and see how they handle your requests. If they are rude, chances are they’re not going to be pleasant to work with. If they are kind, chances are they’re going to be there for you every step of the way.
If you’re searching for quality pest management in Davie, contact the experts at Quality Pest Control today at 954-842-9411. We’re experienced, knowledgeable, and professionally trained. We’ll have your issues solved as soon as possible!
Top Four Reasons to Invest in Annual Home Pest Control in Davie, Fl

If you’re a homeowner, chances are you already know how strenuous the job can be. There are plenty of responsibilities to tend to, and many repairs to cross off of a to-do list. Some household items require regular maintenance, such as roof cleanings and AC filter replacements. Did you know that home pest control in Davie is another one of those areas that require consistent care? At Quality Pest Control, we’ve helped hundreds of South Florida homeowners secure their homes from pests, rodents, and insects. If you’re wondering why you might need annual maintenance checks, keep reading!
1. Annual Home Pest Control in Davie is Healthy
South Florida is home to many rodents and insect species. These animals and bugs aren’t sanitary, yet pride themselves on making a snug house out of your attic or within your walls. Because of the lack of cleanliness these critters exhibit, homeowners must stay up to date on keeping them away from loved ones. They can infect food, transmit diseases, and even cause issues during sleep.
2. Returning Guests
Have you ever been sleeping, only to be awoken by rodents romping around above your head? Often, they make havens out of your attic, but they tend to ignore your times of rest. If this is something you’re used to, then perhaps it bothers you less. However, guests that stay with you may not be expecting such noises. It may even scare them! To make sure your guests want to return, have an annual checkup for your property.
3. Avoid Damages
Some pests, such as termites can be easy to ignore. They don’t show up often, and sometimes live where we can’t see them. They build their colonies near wooden structural elements, as wood is their primary source of food. If they are left alone for long periods, they can create expensive damages that might take years to repair.
4. Save Money
Last, but not least, avoid needing to pay more than you need to by hiring professional, annual, home pest control in Davie. At Quality Pest Control, we believe that it’s of the utmost importance to spend money on maintenance, especially if it means that you won’t be facing larger bills down the line. Save money in the long run by catching possible pest-related devastations early.
If you’re ready to prepare your home, contact Quality Pest Control today. We’ve been in business for many years, and we’re proud to save that our incredible reputation has made us a one-stop-shop in South Florida. Treating pest issues isn’t easy, but with our experience, expertise, and practice, we provide unparalleled home pest control in Davie. Call us today at 954-842-9411 and see how we can help you create a safe haven for those you love, those who may visit, and for any furry friends!
Why Regular Pest Control Is So Important

When it comes to caring for your home, chances are pest control isn’t the first thing on your agenda. But in its initial stages, a pest infestation can be all too easy to ignore. Because when you ignore a pest problem, an outbreak can go from bad to worse in no time. Since 1961, Quality Pest Control has been helping to control the pest population in South Florida homes and businesses. The truth is if you’re looking to keep your home successfully pest free, then hiring a reputable pest control service in Davie is a must.
Do I Need A Regular Pest Control Service?
You work so hard to keep your home in great shape, but no matter how often you sweep, dust, and scrub the floors, it seems that pests always find a way in. Due to constant humid conditions and rainy weather, pests are prevalent in South Florida and especially in Davie. But whatever the cause, unfortunately, there are plenty of pests fighting to make your home their own. But not to worry, the team at Quality Pest Control is here seven days a week to help! Small pests such as ants, roaches, termites, and even mice can find their way into your home unannounced. So, how can you be sure you’ve got a pest problem?
Here are some signs that you need pest control:
- Strange smells. If you’re clean as a whistle, but your home has strange smells that won’t go away, pests may be the culprit. For example, rats and mice create unmistakable urine smells. If your home has strange smells that won’t go away, it’s time to schedule a visit with one of our technicians at Quality Pest Control.
- Strange sounds. When you’re trying to sleep at night, do you hear scurrying in the walls, ceiling or flooring? You may have a little problem called mice. Not to worry, our experts at Quality Pest Control can find the source of your pest problems quickly.
- Droppings. If you see little droppings that look like coffee grounds, small pellets, or other shapes, you’ve got a pest problem. And when your pest problem has expanded to the point of seeing visible droppings, it’s time to give us a call right away.
- Stains on walls and floors. Some pests leave behind trails of grease and oil. Especially pests that take the same path every day. So, if you’re starting to see grease marks, dust paths, and other strange stains on your walls, it’s time to give the experts at Quality Pest Control a call.
Did you know that regular spraying of your lawn can keep ants, worms, and spiders from entering your home and destroying your yard? The technicians at Quality Pest Control are always here to help. We are happy to diagnose, control, and manage any continuing pest problems you may encounter, such as roaches, fleas, bedbugs, spiders, ants, or any other critters that may invade your home or business. Protect your home and your family in Davie from unwanted pests. Call Quality Pest Control today at (954) 842-9411; we are open seven days a week.
Your Premier Residential Pest Control Company in Davie

Pests a common problem in South Florida and provide problems to homeowners and renters that directly impact their livelihoods. Luckily, Quality Pest Control offers affordable and practical solutions that give homeowners and renters peace of mind.
Quality Pest Control proudly provides Residential Pest Control services for the tri-county area. Common household pests are mice and rats. These rodents can be found in walls, baseboards, basements, and even in the ceiling. If you find a mouse or rat in your home, there are likely more inside your home. The first thing you should do when you notice a mouse or rat is to call Quality Pest Control. At Quality Pest Control, rodents are an area we’re highly specialized in. Our years of experience give us the confidence and tools to deal with any size infestations, no matter what. Quality Pest Control offers numerous methods that can be used to take care of your rodent problem. We have a technique depending on your home-type, severity of the infestation, and the preferences of homeowners. Rest assured, Quality Pest Control is a green company. We don’t use products that will hurt you, your family members, pets, or the environment.
One of the most effective home pest control options is structural fumigation. Structural fumigation is a pest control mechanism that involves filling the airspace within a structure with toxic gas. Quality Pest Control’s professional team will come to your residence and perform a thorough assessment of the property before deciding to proceed with a structural fumigation procedure. A full report is conducted and given to you with some basic instructions and steps to take to ensure the process is carried out safely and successfully. Once Quality Pest Control has concluded that structural fumigation is the best available, our experts will cover the home with a tarp or tent to keep the gas inside and prevent leaks. As the gas expands through the entire building, every crack, crevice, and pore in the wood is penetrated to eradicate the pests inside wholly. All of the active ingredients used during structural fumigations in South Florida have been fully approved and can only be used by certified operators, so you can trust our professionals to eradicate your pest problem the first time. Once completed, our team will bring industrial fans to help any remaining gas escape. Quality Pest Control performs every structural fumigation with professional-level accuracy and attention to detail, so you don’t have to worry about any leftover residue on the premises.
When you have pests, you can become uncomfortable in your own home. However, a pest problem is not the end of the world. Quality Pest Control has over 45 years of experience in eradicating pests and delivering security back to homeowners and renters. If you’re dealing with rodents in South Florida, contact Quality Pest Control today at 954-842-9411, so we can meet with you and discuss the best available rodent control method for your home. Allow Quality Pest Control to clean your home and help you create a safer space in no time.
How Quality Termite and Pest Control Can Fix Your Pest Problem

What do you do when pests appear in your home? Do you handle the situation yourself? Although you may buy yourself more time, hiring a professional can benefit your home and ensure the job is done right the first time. Quality Termite and Pest Control is the premier pest control company providing high-quality services to citizens of South Florida. Quality Termite and Pest Control has the professionally trained and experienced staff that will make sure your pest problem is taken care of the first time.
Unlike the competition, Quality Termite and Pest Control’s focus is customer satisfaction. To achieve customer satisfaction, our team members deliver precise and quality service. Doing so ensures the job is done right, and you have peace of mind, no matter how long the process takes. Our professionals begin with a thorough assessment to determine the severity of the situation and decide what the best course of action is for your home or office. No matter the pest, our professionals will use highly advanced techniques, tools, and the best resources available to effectively remove the threat and prevent its spread in the property.
Quality Termite and Pest Control offers three types of pest control: No Tent Termite Treatment, structural fumigation, and thermoacoustic insulation. No Tent Termite Treatment is a particular termite control procedure that allows our professionals to exterminate pests and patch up affected areas without having you leave the building! Compared to a standard termite tenting that requires you to go for three days, now you may continue your daily tasks in your home or office. Here are just some of the reasons why an increasing amount of homeowners, commercial property owners, and industrial property owners are considering No Tent Termite Treatment in South Florida:
- No need to move out of your home
- No removal of plants or flowers
- No removal of non-canned foods
- No removal of cosmetics or medications
- No risk of landscaping or roof damage
- No disconnecting of satellites or antennas
- No particular shrub or tree trimming required
Quality Termite and Pest Control also has professionals and high-quality resources and equipment to conduct structural fumigation. Structural fumigation is a pest control mechanism that surrounds the building with a tarp and filling the airspace inside the tarp with toxic gas. Doing so allows the gas to penetrate all the cracks, crevices, and pores in the structure to exterminate pests completely. Once the process is complete, our professionals remove the tarp and clear out the building entirely, so you don’t have to worry about any left-over residue.
Thermoacoustic insulation is a unique combination made of ground-up newspaper chunks and a specific form of borate material. This unique combination acts as a protective shield for affected areas in your attic. Thermoacoustic insulation benefits homes by violently disrupting the insects’ digestive system once the pest has come in contact with the insulation. Once interrupted, the pest begins to starve and eventually perishes. An added benefit of thermoacoustic insulation is its ability to reduce the amount of sound that flows through the ceiling of your home; it’s a win-win!
You can discover the Quality Termite and Pest Control difference for yourself today. Contact us by calling (954) 842-9411 or visit our website to set up your free assessment and learn more about these and other services we provide.
The Best Pest Control in South Florida

Living in South Florida, you know that with hurricane season comes impending weather; and with impending weather comes pests. Luckily, you have Quality Termite and Pest Control, LLC that has a professionally trained and experienced team to help you with your pest control prevention measures. Featuring environmentally-friendly solutions and expert staff, you know you’re in good hands when you hire Quality Termite and Pest Control.
Want to prevent pests before they become a problem? We offer a thermoacoustic pest control insulation that is a protective shield for attic spaces. Our thermoacoustic insulation is a unique kind of coverage made up of ground-up newspaper chunks and a specific form of borate material. This combination acts as a highly productive form of pest control. The borate material becomes stuck to any pests that touch it, violently disrupting the insects’ digestive system and letting the pests starve before they can become a problem.
However, if pests have gotten to your home or business and have caused damage, Quality Termite and Pest Control has the team and resources to properly conduct structural fumigation. Structural fumigation is a pest control mechanism that surrounds the building with a tarp and filling the airspace inside the tarp with toxic gas. This procedure allows the gas to penetrate the cracks, crevices, and pores in the structure to exterminate pests completely. Once the process is complete, we remove the tarp and fan out the building entirely, so you don’t have to worry about any left-over residue.
If termites have gotten into your home or business, but you don’t want to evacuate the premises, we also offer No Tent Termite Treatment. Whereas a standard termite tenting would require the tenants to leave for three days, a No Tent Termite Treatment requires no one to go, allowing you to continue your daily tasks in your home or office. Before treatment may begin, an assessment must be completed to determine the severity of your termite problem. Once assessed, our expert staff can perform a direct injection into the termite infested area with an effective non-repellent product. No Tent Termite Treatment allows us to tackle the problem at hand with the same vigor and success rate as structural fumigation, without requiring you to leave your home or office.
When dealing with pests, you need a company that you can count on to get the job done right the first time. With Quality Termite and Pest Control, you can get that sense of relief because all of our staff members are certified, knowledgeable, and experienced individuals who have been working in the pest control industry for years. Our team has the proper training to carry out these procedures and is dedicated to making sure you’re satisfied. We distinguish ourselves from the competition by providing customers with the quality and timeliness you require, so the job gets done right the first time.
You can discover the Quality Termite and Pest Control difference for yourself today. Contact us by calling (954) 842-9411 or visit our website for additional information about this and other services we provide.
Who Can I Call to Get Rid of Rodents in My Home?

When it comes to getting rid of pests in your home, nothing is more frustrating than rodents—yes, we mean those pesky mice and rats. If you have a rodent problem, it doesn’t mean you’re a terrible housekeeper. Clean homes, new homes, big and small homes, and older homes are all susceptible to the same rodent problems. Our experts at Quality Termite and Pest Control can help fight roach, termite and rodent problems with our expert environmentally safe exterminator services. When you’re looking for the very best rodent exterminator in Davie, call us first for exceptional services. Our team of technicians have years of experience and know exactly what to do to help get rid of your rodent problem.
Is There Anything I Can Do to Keep Pests and Rodents Away?
In South Florida, our extremely warm weather, especially in the summer, may invite in rats, mice and other pests looking for a cozy place to cool off. But there are some things you can do now to keep the creepy crawlers from singling out your home. Keep food covered in tightly sealed containers and ensure your kitchen counters are free from crumbs. Rodents also like pet food so keep that off the ground as well. Make sure to keep your dishes washed as frequently as possible and set them back into the cupboards asap. As well, make sure any gaps, cracks or openings in your home are properly sealed.
How Do You Know if You Have a Rodent Problem?
While rodent control is a year-round problem in Davie, the best thing to do is to hire an expert rodent exterminator. Aside from the obvious sign of a visible mouse, there are other signs that you have a rodent problem including:
- Scurrying sounds in the attic or walls
- Strange smells like urine
- Holes in bags of food in the pantry
- Holes in garbage cans bags
- Odd droppings
- Sudden strange behavior in household pets
If you see any of these signs, or if you have other suspicions of a rodent problem, it’s time to call on the best rodent exterminator in Davie. Our team at Quality Termite and Pest Control offers full extermination services for rats, mice and many other pests.
What Will You Do Exactly to Get Rid of Pests and Rodents?
Freeing your home from a rodent problem may start with services such as trapping and removal. For more complicated pest problems, such as full blow infestations, we may suggest structural fumigation. Structural fumigation is ideal for termite and rodent control especially. To discuss your best options regarding rodent control, you can count on our experts at Quality Termite and Pest Control to help right away.
If you are facing a rodent problem, call Quality Termite and Pest Control today. Nobody wants uninvited guests to make themselves at home without a departure date. Our team of expert pest and rodent exterminators in Davie are here to help keep rodents, termites and other pests away and get rid of them once and for all! Call (954) 842-9411 to learn more about our pest control services.