Pest Advice from a Leading Pest Exterminator in Davie

If you’ve been putting off dealing with your pest or rodent problem, then chances are things are going to get worse before they get better. When it comes to caring for your home, pest control isn’t always the first thing on your mind. But it should be factored into your every day or at least monthly home care maintenance. This is because, in its initial stages, a pest or rodent infestation can be all too easy to ignore. Because when you ignore a pest problem, an infestation can go from bad to worse in no time. Since 1961, Quality Pest Control has helped control the pest population in South Florida homes and businesses. The truth is If you’re looking to keep your home pest-free successfully, then there is no denying that hiring a regular pest control exterminator in Davie is an absolute must.
It is always a good time to invest in pest control services!
If you are on the fence about which pest control company to choose, you’re not alone. Many pest control companies can be fly by night, charging you exorbitant amounts and then not delivering what they promised. You work so hard to keep your home in its best shape, but no matter how often you sweep and scrub the floors, it seems that pests keep finding their way in. Blame it on the humid South Florida weather, blame it on nature or blame it on Davie’s westward location. Whatever the cause, there are plenty of pests fighting to call your home their own.
But not to worry, the team at Quality Pest Control. is here to help! Little pests such as ants, cockroaches, termites, and even mice can easily find their way into your home if you don’t do something to prevent it. The important thing to remember is that these pests will make themselves known when you least expect it, like when you’re hosting a holiday party or entertaining the boss and other colleagues. Pests are never something you should underestimate because they won’t go away on their own. Chances are they will multiply and become even more of a nuisance. That’s why at Quality Pest Control, our team identifies the problem quickly and acts fast to eliminate and prevent any further infestations in your home.
What are some of the signs that you have a pest problem?
Strange smells. If you’re clean as a whistle, but your home has strange smells that you can’t seem to get rid of, pests may be the culprit. For example, rat and mice infestations can create unmistakable urine smells. If your home has strange smells that won’t go away, it’s time to schedule a visit with one of our expert technicians at Quality Pest Control pronto!
Strange sounds. When you’re trying to sleep at night, do you hear scurrying in the walls, ceiling, or floorboards? If you do, then you may have a rodent in the attic.
Not to worry, the experts at Quality Pest Control offer the highest quality pest exterminator services in Davie, and can easily find the source of your pest or rodent problems.
Strange little droppings. Do you see weird droppings on the counter or floors in the kitchen area? If you see little droppings that look like coffee grounds, small pellets, or other small dark shapes, you’ve got a pest or rodent problem. When a pest problem extends to the point of seeing visible droppings, it’s time to give Quality Pest Control a call immediately.
Strange visible stains on walls and floors. Particular pests leave behind trails of grease and oils. Especially pests that take the same path through your home every day. So if you’re starting to see grease marks, dust paths, and other strange stains on your walls, it’s time to give the team at Quality Pest Control a call. We provide only the highest –quality pest extermination services in Davie.
Get in touch today!
Pest problems are becoming more of a problem in Davie every day. Want to know how to control annoying pests and rodents? Give Quality Pest Control a call today for the best pest extermination services available. Regular pest control maintenance and lawn spraying outside can keep the ant and spider population from entering your home and destroying your yard. The technicians at Quality Pest Control are always here to help 24/7. We’re are happy to diagnose, control, and manage any continuing pest problems such as roaches, fleas, bedbugs, spiders, ants, or any other critters that may be invading your home or business. Protect your home and your family now from unwanted pests in Davie. Call Quality Pest Control today at (954) 329-0264. We are open seven days a week.
A Few Common Roach Bait Mistakes People Make

We all pass roach bait in the store from time to time and hope we never have to be the ones using it. However, there always comes a time when we have to swallow our pride and make that purchase. Having a roach or roaches in your home does not always mean that your home is messy, dirty, or unkempt. Sometimes, roaches simply just appear up a drain or from other random points of entry. Regardless of where they came from the goal is to get rid of them as fast as possible. Roaches are known to multiply fast and attract even more roaches to your home. This not only makes the situation time-sensitive but also quite stressful. If you have found yourself in this position then you are going to want to use this guide to make sure you are using the roach baits correctly. Many people do not use them as intended and end up putting their pets and kids at risk along with wasting time and money. If you follow this guide and worst-case scenario cannot get rid of the roaches or have even seen more, then our team at Quality Pest Control is here for you.
Mistake #1: Putting the Baits in the Wrong Area
This is a commonly seen mistake in households across the country. Although it’s a small mistake, it will make the baits dramatically less effective in getting rid of your roach problem. These baits are mixed with different ingredients to make roaches attracted to them, but this won’t work no matter how strong the bait is if the bait is placed in the wrong part of the house. Roaches are not going to want to go across the house to check out your bait if they can find all the food and water they need in your kitchen. That is why strategically having them placed in the areas you commonly see the roaches will make all the difference in putting a halt to your problem.
Mistake #2: Contact Killers
Another commonly seen mistakes people make is using the roach baits with contact killers. Using more supplies of roach killers sounds great in theory, but in reality, it will not work. Contact killers are those pesticides you spray and kill roaches, and other bugs, on contact. The reason this spray and baits do not work well together is that the contact killer will stop the roach bait from working. The roach bait works to attract the baits by the series of ingredients they contain. Once the roach that approaches the bait gets poisoned it will continue on its normal path back to where the nest is. It will then produce poisoned feces that will kill off all of the other roaches. Contact killer is great if you see one roach occasionally in the shower; however, in an infestation situation, you want all of the roach’s dead, not just the one you happened to see.
Mistake #3: Placing Baits in Areas Children and Pets Can Reach
The common concern parents have when it comes to baits is that the poison inside the trap will harm their children and pets. While yes, these baits are dangerous to children and pets, it’s not for the reason you think. The tiny amount of chemicals in the bait is not enough to kill or harm a child or pet. A roach is significantly smaller meaning the number of chemicals doesn’t need to be much to get the job done. However, kids and pets can be harmed by choking on baits. Both kids and pets commonly put things in their mouths without knowing what it is, this is usually harmless but when it comes to baits it could cause some serious issues. Putting the baits on higher to reach places or behind furniture where kids and pets cannot access them is the smart move.
By following these tips you should begin to see some improvement in your roach situation. Sometimes the baits will work without the proper use of them, but in most cases, the roaches are simply not going to go for them unless they are strategically used. If you seem to be doing everything right as far as this guide goes and still are not seeing any improvement, or even worse, more roaches are showing up, then you may want to consider reaching out to our team at Quality Pest Control. Sometimes the baits work but in the severe cases of infestation, they will not always do the trick. To learn more about roach baits and roach exterminations, give us a call today at (239) 540-2359.